Why People-First Product Leadership
For me, “launching people” is just as important as “launching products”. Why? When product people feel supported, their product efforts shine. With these characteristics in mind, when defining my leadership style, a colleague referred to me as a “servant leader”. I put my team first, created a safe space and ensured they had all opportunities to shine. I appreciated the notion, but I disliked the phrase. I am not an attendant to my team; I lead my team. Instead what I do is treat them as people first and foremost, as I would expect and like to be treated. Thus the title People-First Product Leadership.
Why now
In our rapidly changing product world, we are constantly trying out the new and unfamiliar as we look to bring delight to our customers. Always exploring the unknown is exciting and scary, especially when considering up to 82% of people suffer from some form of impostor syndrome (Bloomberg).
Product people tend to experience imposter syndrome more than other professions as we tend to be generalists interacting in a world full of specialists. That’s why I always say it is important to coach and encourage your team to tackle unknowns and get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I’m taking my own advice by starting this newsletter.
Who is the audience
New product leaders seeking to increase their confidence when transitioning from an individual contributor role.
Experienced product leaders seeking to scale at growing companies and looking to attract and retain top product talent.
Product leaders tired of the status quo and ready to create a culture which empowers and motivates product team members.
What to expect
The People-First Product Leadership newsletter represents articles I’ve found and believe will help you to learn about yourself and your leadership style. Specifically:
Discover your leadership voice (hint: you don’t need to be loud to lead)
Define behaviors which promote a growth mindset across your team
Develop engaged product teams in a hybrid / remote world
Deliver an environment that empowers product people
As you are likely to ponder some of the articles afterwards, I’ll aim to provide tips to incorporate into your thinking.
Consider the newsletter as virtual highlighting or call outs of articles, blogs, podcasts and other information sources that I’m consuming. I hope you will find the contents valuable and apply the learnings with your team.